Why is the lower hair itchy

Young Ask on April 25, 2024 22:33:37
Recommended answer

Female pubic hair is itchy, which may be caused by female infection with pubic lice or scabies and other infectious diseases. At this time, women should not scratch with their hands to avoid scratching the skin and causing infection to women. Women can go to the hospital for gynecological examination to see whether there are pubic lice or scabies in the pubic hair. If these possibilities are excluded, it may be caused by female malnutrition. If the pubic hair is itchy due to female malnutrition, leucorrhea should also be checked, because this may cause more leucorrhea, itchy pubic hair and other uncomfortable symptoms. After finding out the cause, use some antipruritic ointment as instructed by the doctor, and take some specific drugs to enhance the nutrition of the vulva.

Young 2024-04-28 18:05:54

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