What kind of health care products should be taken when there is insufficient cerebral blood supply

in the future Ask questions at 09:18:16, May 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Vitamin e can be taken because it can help reduce the need for oxygen. The lack of blood supply to the brain may be due to aging of blood vessels or too viscous blood. You can take extracts of deep-sea fish oil and ginkgo biloba, which are very helpful to blood vessels. However, the above products should be taken under the guidance of a professional nutritionist. Because different conditions, drugs can not be taken indiscriminately, Meals should not be eaten indiscriminately, and health care products should not be eaten indiscriminately. If they are effective, they can continue to take them. It is recommended to eat more green vegetables and fresh fruits in daily life, which is conducive to myocardial metabolism, promoting cholesterol excretion, reducing the intake of animal fat. The total intake of animal oil and vegetable oil should not exceed one or two per day on an empty stomach. Eat less fried food and animal viscera, and eat more high fiber food. The meal should be coarse and fine. It is recommended to eat corn, millet, oats, brown rice, and whole wheat, Eat less sugar and sweets.

in the future 2024-06-03 12:37:05

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