How to deal with ascites due to advanced cirrhosis

The night wind comes Ask questions at 15:38:16, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

The phenomenon of ascites in advanced cirrhosis is mainly due to the increase of portal vein pressure caused by advanced liver failure, resulting in a hydroperitoneum. Therefore, there is no good direct treatment for patients with advanced cirrhosis at present. The main treatment is to control the clinical symptoms of patients with liver protection drugs and abdominal puncture and pumping. For patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites, the most effective and direct treatment is to control the liver function of patients as a whole through liver transplantation. In order to achieve the effect of controlling the clinical symptoms of patients, at the same time, patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites should be particularly careful in life, and must not be tired. Excessive fatigue is also likely to cause further damage to the corresponding liver function, leading to more serious disease consequences.

The night wind comes 2024-04-22 11:55:34

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