Can't you take a bath and have a hair dryer after confinement? Reminder: To avoid puerperal heatstroke, mothers should do five things well

Late autumn Ask on 2024-06-23 04:05:59
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Sitting in the moon seems to be a unique culture in China. Most Chinese mothers need to be in confinement within a few weeks after giving birth. However, in the traditional lunar month, there are various taboos - for example, absolute warmth, even in summer, also needs to cover the whole body; If unable to go out or get out of bed; For example, you can't wash your face, hair, bath, brush your teeth or blow dry your hair. In addition, some pregnant women need all kinds of tonic, and are even asked not to watch TV, mobile phones and other taboos, so as not to hurt their eyes. But in the hot summer, if you are still in confinement, something really will happen! Pregnant women in dog days should pay attention to their life. As mentioned above, some pregnant women need to cover their whole body in various ways to avoid various parts of the body vulnerable to wind and cold. However, under such conditions, when it happens to be a hot summer day, it is very likely that the puerpera will lose their body temperature regulation due to their inability to dissipate heat in time, resulting in heatstroke due to rising body temperature. What are the symptoms of heat stroke in confinement? Postpartum heatstroke is generally characterized by elevated body temperature, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, blushing without sweating, dry and hot skin, and body heat rash or temperature drop after sweating. In the early stage of puerperal heatstroke, there will be obvious thirst, and then the symptoms of continuous sweating will begin to appear, accompanied by a sense of wetness and coldness. When heatstroke reaches a certain degree, dizziness, headache, chest tightness, chest pain, limb weakness, heart palpitations and other symptoms will appear as the body temperature continues to rise, and the body temperature can reach above 39 ℃. Mild puerperal heatstroke is only manifested by facial flushing, nausea and vomiting, headache, rapid pulse, and sweating all over the body. After timely and regular treatment, it can return to normal. A person with severe heatstroke will have a temperature of more than 40 ℃, which seriously exceeds the body's endurance. At this time, serious complications such as metabolic disorder, acid-base balance and heart failure will be affected. If you do not rescue in time, your life will be in danger. What should I do after a woman suffers heatstroke? 1. Adjust the indoor temperature. Take cooling measures immediately in case of signs of heatstroke. You can drink more boiled water or mung bean soup to cool down, or use ice bags to cool down, so as to prevent water electrolyte disorder and reduce the risk of acidosis. 2. Get away from the high temperature environment, take the puerpera to a ventilated room to rest, and then ventilate the room just now for 20 minutes, and adjust the room temperature to about 26 ℃, which is suitable for mothers and babies to rest. 3. Unwrap the clothes to dissipate heat. If clothes are found to be wet, change into clean clothes in time and drink more light salt water to help recover. Patients with high fever should go to the doctor in time, take medicine according to the doctor's advice, and pay attention to monitoring temperature changes, blood pressure and heart rate. 4. If there is high fever, coma or convulsion, let the patient lie on his side with his head back to keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. Then call 120 in time. Wipe his chest and back with a wet towel before the ambulance arrives. How to prevent puerperal heatstroke? 1. Wear as loose as possible. You can choose pure cotton fabric with good permeability. Adjust the thickness of clothes according to room temperature. Do not wear too thick to avoid affecting body heat dissipation. 2. Pay attention to indoor ventilation, promote indoor and outdoor air circulation, and reduce the generation of bacteria. 3. Air conditioners should be used reasonably in summer. The indoor temperature should not be too low, and should be controlled at about 24 ℃ - 26 ℃ of the body surface temperature. 4. Pay attention to personal hygiene. Try to use warm water for bathing. The bathing time should be controlled at about 15 minutes and should not be too long. After taking a bath, dry your body and put on clothes in time to prevent cold evil from entering your body. 5. Eat more light and digestible food, and mainly light food in the early days of confinement. Food containing protein and fat can be properly added half a month after delivery. Also pay attention to matching vegetables and fruits to supplement human minerals and vitamins, and avoid eating cold fruits. Will there really be "puerperal disease"? In fact, whether to take the confinement has been controversial. Yuezi disease is more like a folk saying in our country. It is said that if you don't pay attention to the moon, some root causes will fall, such as joint pain, headache, toothache, backache, etc. However, with the growth of age, people's chances of suffering from various chronic diseases are also gradually increasing. No matter whether it is strict or not, people will still face various risks of chronic diseases when they get old. At present, there is no exact statistical data to prove the correlation between confinement and some diseases. The so-called puerperal disease is more like an example of a person's preconception and then support his own ideas. Although there is no puerperal disease, the puerperal period is the weakest period for the puerpera, so they should have a good rest and ensure comprehensive nutrition in diet.
Late autumn 2024-06-24 11:23:00

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