What's the matter with dizziness, sore throat and general fatigue

Peach Blossom Cheongsam Ask questions on May 11, 2024-19:06:26
Recommended answer

In case of dizziness, sore throat and general fatigue, it is generally considered that upper respiratory tract infection caused by upper respiratory tract infection is caused by infection of bacteria or viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. In case of fever, dizziness and general fatigue will occur. You should go to the hospital for a detailed examination by the doctor, and then determine it in combination with blood routine, The cephalosporin anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken orally at the doctor's suggestion. The medication and dosage must comply with the doctor's advice. If you have a fever, you can take oral antipyretic drugs in combination with physical cooling methods to treat the symptoms. After the general body temperature returns to normal, the dizziness and general fatigue will be relieved. You must drink more water and have a full rest.

Peach Blossom Cheongsam 2024-05-13 11:10:30

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