What's the matter with breast pain

treat with indifference Ask questions at 09:08:56, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients often have pain in their breasts, which is considered to be caused by breast diseases and is also related to many breast diseases. Hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule is one of the causes of the disease, which is often caused by breast swelling and pain caused by hard lumps in the breast, and the pain often occurs. If the patient often feels breast pain before and after menstruation, it is normal. Before and after menstruation, the progesterone and estrogen secreted by the body will change to some extent, which is likely to cause hormone disorder in the body, thus causing breast pain symptoms. Other causes are not ruled out to be caused by breast cancer. It is suggested that patients should go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid serious conditions that are difficult to cure. In addition, patients can also check whether the underwear they have recently worn does not fit or compresses their breasts.

treat with indifference 2024-04-22 12:01:34

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