Does Ma Yinglong musk hemorrhoid suppository have any side effects

today we are no longer as we have been Ask on 2024-04-24 02:17:24
Recommended answer

Ma Yinglong Shexiang Hemorrhoids Suppository has some side effects. Sometimes it may cause dry mouth, constipation, reduced sweating, and sometimes it may cause dry mouth, nose, throat, and skin. In serious cases, it may also cause blurred vision, and some patients may have difficulty in urinating. Mayinglong musk hemorrhoids suppository can treat hemorrhoids and reduce swelling of hemorrhoids. It should be noted that pregnant women should not use Mayinglong musk hemorrhoids suppository to prevent increased uterine contraction and abortion. Once hemorrhoids are identified, they should actively go to the anorectal department for treatment, and choose different treatment methods according to different types of hemorrhoids. If the symptoms are not particularly severe, they can be alleviated through diet conditioning and drug treatment. If the symptoms of hemorrhoids are particularly serious, they should also be actively treated with surgery.

today we are no longer as we have been 2024-04-28 18:02:21

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