What's the matter with pulling water

one's nobility lasts forever Ask questions on April 25, 2024:18:56
Recommended answer

Pulling water is the manifestation of diarrhea in common medicine. Diarrhea is also a common symptom of acute gastroenteritis. Diarrhea is more closely related to dietary factors, such as spicy, stimulating, too greasy food recently, and cold food such as ice cream, cold drinks, seafood, etc. The use of unclean diet, such as often eating out or eating cold dishes in summer, can also lead to water pulling. There are also pharmaceutical factors, such as the use of azithromycin granules and azithromycin capsules when catching a cold. Such drugs can also cause diarrhea, and some patients may pull water. If the food with too much water content is eaten recently, or the mental pressure, competitive pressure and emotional disorder are relatively high recently, a small amount of water pulling will also occur. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze how to pull water based on the above reasons, and the problem will be solved.

one's nobility lasts forever 2024-04-28 18:07:22

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