What is good for tinea cruris

Everything is like smoke Ask questions at 15:44:18, May 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Tinea cruris is a common disease in summer and autumn. It is manifested as flaky erythema and pruritus on the inner thigh, even on the scrotum. The edge is obvious and heavy. The middle part of the skin lesions with a long time is reduced, and local pigmentation, and the erythema will spread and become larger by itself. The formation of tinea cruris is related to fungal infection, most of which is caused by beriberi infection, often accompanied by local itching and sweating, so it occurs frequently in hot weather, and some people get sick year after year. Antifungal ointment is mainly used for treatment, such as trimethoprim cream and terbinafine hydrochloride cream, which can be applied externally for half a month. The effect is very good. These two ointment can be used for the treatment of beriberi at the same time. Note that socks and underwear should be washed separately to avoid re infection.

Everything is like smoke 2024-05-27 10:38:35

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