What's wrong with the pain in the three fingers of the female navel

Wind follows heart Ask questions on May 12, 2024-01:07:55
Recommended answer

For female patients with pain at the lower three fingers of the navel, it may be related to infection of uterine appendages. It is suggested that the examination of uterine appendages should be improved, and pelvic effusion and pelvic inflammation should be excluded. It is also necessary to improve the relevant examination of leucorrhea to exclude gynecological inflammation. In addition to gynecology, it is also necessary to improve the color ultrasound examination of the urinary system to rule out whether there is urinary inflammation, tumors, urinary stones, etc., which can cause pain in this part. In addition to the above reasons, there may also be pain caused by intestinal spasm factors. It is necessary to improve blood routine and stool routine examination in time.

Wind follows heart 2024-05-13 11:21:16

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