How to treat children with body odor

Man flower Ask questions at 17:26:40 on April 23, 2024
Recommended answer

If the underarm odor of children with body odor is particularly serious, first pay attention to cleaning. In addition, you can use antiperspirant. You can also consider injecting botulinum toxin to inhibit the secretion of sweat glands, so as to remove the odor. After the age of 18, surgery can be performed. 1. The main reason for the occurrence of body odor is that the sweat glands are too exuberant, coupled with the reproduction of bacteria, which leads to the odor of abnormal metabolites, so it is very important to clean at ordinary times; 2. Children with body odor can use some drugs to inhibit the secretion of sweat glands.

Man flower 2024-04-28 11:16:40

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