What is the cause of female urine blood

How tender is unrequited love Ask questions at 11:19:39, May 22, 2024
Recommended answer

Female urine blood can still be divided into two categories according to its source, one is the disease of nephrology. Such as nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, iga nephropathy, purpura nephritis, lupus nephritis and so on. These diseases will attack the glomerulus and increase its permeability. Red blood cells will leak out and form medical hematuria. It is characterized by painless, dark color and high rate of red blood cell deformity. The second type is surgical hematuria, such as urinary tract infection, urinary stones, tumors and other diseases. This is due to the damage and rupture of the urinary tract mucosa and the direct bleeding of blood into the urine. It is characterized by bright red color, pain, and blood clots. The deformity rate of red blood cells is relatively low, and the morphology is relatively uniform. For women, the first cause of hematuria is urinary tract infection. Of course, the specific cause needs to be confirmed after the urological surgery interview.

How tender is unrequited love 2024-05-27 11:15:59

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