Can I take any medicine for throat pain during pregnancy

I must be taller than the sky Ask questions on 2024-05-26 00:58:19
Recommended answer

Throat pain during pregnancy is a common symptom of colds. Pregnant women should try not to use medication. It is suggested that pregnant women can use the following methods for treatment: 1. Drink more warm water. Drinking more warm water can solve throat pain. Drinking more water and urinating can effectively eliminate toxins in the body. At the same time, it can soak in the fat sea, and also has the effect of relieving inflammation and detoxification. In addition, you can also rinse your mouth with strong tea and strong salt water, which can also effectively relieve the pain in the throat. 2、 It is also a very beneficial way to drink crystal sugar sydney water or ginger sugar tea. In addition, we should maintain an optimistic mood and a good attitude. At the same time, we should strengthen nutrition, balance nutrition, and supplement high-quality protein with high nutrition, which is also conducive to the recovery of the body's resistance. Do not eat spicy and greasy food. Adequate rest and sleep are also conducive to the relief of throat pain. In addition, if a pregnant woman has sore throat and fever, she should go to a regular hospital for obstetric treatment in a timely manner. Never use drugs blindly without authorization, but under the guidance of a doctor.

I must be taller than the sky 2024-05-27 11:21:15

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