Can lactulose be eaten by children

Fight for face Ask questions at 05:37:03, 2024-05-06
Recommended answer

Lactulose oral liquid can also be eaten by children. It is mainly used to relieve the symptoms of constipation, but it is not recommended to drink it for a long time. It can be taken orally in the acute stage of constipation, which can regulate a physiological rhythm of the intestinal tract. It is good for habitual constipation and chronic constipation, but there may be some dependence on long-term use. It is suggested that the diet structure should be adjusted in daily life to find a reason for habitual constipation. If there is food allergy or food intolerance, it is still necessary to avoid this diet, and then treat constipation from the root.

Fight for face 2024-05-13 11:09:30

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