How to Treat Cough, Scratchy Throat and Phlegm

Seize the opportunity Ask questions at 04:20:30, April 21, 2024
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Itchy throat, cough and phlegm are common in daily life. From the above symptoms, considering that patients are most likely to have chronic pharyngitis, they should go to the hospital in time for examination, improve blood routine test, biochemical routine electronic nasopharyngoscope and other relevant examinations to make a definite diagnosis. At the same time, patients with chronic pharyngitis should pay attention to reasonable diet under the guidance of doctors, eat more light and digestible food, and avoid eating spicy food and cold food and drinks, so as to avoid acute congestion and inflammation of throat mucosa. In addition, in our daily life, we should drink more warm water and strengthen physical exercise to help fight against chronic pharyngitis.

Seize the opportunity 2024-04-22 11:57:16

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