How to treat double kidney cyst

Smile away Ask questions at 23:11:06, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

First of all, bilateral renal cysts are bilateral simple renal cysts or bilateral polycystic kidneys, because their treatment methods are different. If it is bilateral simple renal cyst, the treatment plan is mainly determined according to the size of the renal cyst. If the size of the double kidney cyst is relatively small, it will not have a serious impact on the patient, nor will it cause special discomfort to the patient. For such patients, regular observation and reexamination can be carried out. If bilateral renal cysts are relatively large in size, accompanied by waist pain and discomfort, if the diameter is greater than 4 cm, laparoscopic cyst resection and decompression can be considered. For polycystic kidney, active treatment is often required. It is mainly to carry out targeted treatment for some of its complications and diseases, so as to delay the progress of polycystic kidney disease.

Smile away 2024-04-22 12:12:19

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