What to do if you have a dry throat and cough without phlegm

Persimmon blossoms Ask questions at 07:06:33, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The throat is dry and there is no sputum in coughing. In this case, the throat should be further examined. At present, the occurrence of the above symptoms may be related to the dry throat. As the throat is dry or even itchy, it will stimulate the bronchi and cause coughing. Cough itself is a reflex symptom. So go to the ENT department in time to check whether there is acute or chronic throat inflammation. If there is, carry out anti infection treatment in time. In addition, pay attention to drinking more water, keep the throat moist and reduce the irritation to the trachea, and dry cough symptoms will improve accordingly. In ordinary days, we should pay attention to eating more vegetables and fruits, drinking more water, avoiding dryness of the throat, and avoiding the stimulation of smoking and spicy food on the throat to prevent the above symptoms.

Persimmon blossoms 2024-04-22 11:55:23

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