What causes hydronephrosis in pregnant women at 26 weeks of gestation

Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet Ask questions at 16:33:31, May 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Hydronephrosis in pregnant women at 26 weeks of gestation is considered to be caused by kidney disease, kidney stones or fetal enlargement and pressure on the bladder. If the fetus gradually increases in the middle and late pregnancy, it will cause certain pressure on the kidneys and urethra, which will easily affect the excretion of urine and lead to hydronephrosis. If there is kidney stone or kidney disease, it will cause back pain and abdominal pain and other symptoms. Patients need to go to the hospital for routine urine tests and renal function tests, as well as kidney B ultrasound tests. If hydronephrosis is caused by kidney disease, medication should be used for recuperation, and attention should be paid to rest at ordinary times. If hydronephrosis is caused by kidney stones, you need to take stone removing drugs for treatment, and it is recommended to drink more water.

Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet 2024-06-03 12:41:11

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