How to diagnose colon cancer in traditional Chinese medicine

My world alone. Ask questions at 13:14:23 on May 7, 2024
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TCM syndrome differentiation of colon cancer can be divided into damp heat type, blood stasis type, spleen and kidney yang deficiency type, liver and kidney yin deficiency type, qi and blood deficiency type, etc. However, the syndrome types that patients respond to are often complex. In clinical practice, the syndrome differentiation of colon cancer can be simplified into two major syndrome types: heat toxin stagnation and spleen deficiency dampness accumulation. The former sees an increase in the number of stools, blood in stool often contains pus and mucus, abdominal distention and pain, poor stomach reception, and yellow and greasy fur, Weak and thin veins; In the latter case, the chest is stuffy, the stomach is poor, the abdomen is full and painful, the stool mucus is sometimes accompanied by pus and blood, the odor is abnormal, the coating is greasy or white, the pulse is fine and astringent or fine. Colon cancer belongs to the category of accumulation, anus locking hemorrhoids, and visceral toxin in TCM. In clinical practice, there are often changes in bowel habits and stool properties, abdominal pain, abdominal masses, rectal masses, and general manifestations, such as anemia, secondary infection, and progressive emaciation, cachexia, jaundice, and ascites in the late stage. TCM diagnosis of colon cancer requires diagnosis and collection. To lay the foundation for identification, we should use TCM syndrome differentiation methods, such as eight principles, viscera, qi, blood, body fluid, etiology, yin and yang, five elements, six meridians, wei, qi and ying blood Three energizers, etc. First of all, identify the cause of positive and negative energy, such as how the viscera, the viscera, the channels, the collaterals, yin and yang, qi and blood, body fluid, and the severity of the loss of positive energy, and the pathogenic factors such as qi stagnation, phlegm coagulation, blood stasis, fire poison, yin and cold, cancer toxin, etc; Re identify the changes of etiology and pathogenesis such as disease location, etiology, disease nature, and pathogenic factors; The second is to analyze and summarize the normative syndrome types, and the different syndrome types, such as double clip type and compound type; Finally, the summarized diseases and syndrome types are analyzed and summarized into the same disease and syndrome, different disease and syndrome, different disease and syndrome, different disease and syndrome, and different disease and syndrome of different patients. The treatment is based on disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation, and symptom identification.

My world alone. 2024-05-13 11:22:47

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