What to pay attention to in cerebral hemorrhage

Silent clouds in the starry sky Ask questions at 10:29:37 on May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

For cerebral hemorrhage, the following three aspects should be paid attention to: first, pay attention to monitoring and controlling blood pressure at ordinary times to prevent the sudden rise of blood pressure from causing relapse. Second, we should go to the neurosurgery department as soon as possible after the onset of the disease, and decide the treatment plan according to the severity of the disease. For example, if there is a brain hernia, we should use craniotomy to treat it, and remove the skull flap to decompress and save the patient's life. Third, after the condition is stable, rehabilitation treatment should be carried out as soon as possible to prevent complications. Because cerebral hemorrhage will cause brain tissue damage, which will form corresponding functional sequelae, and will have a certain negative impact on the daily life of patients, it can be comprehensively treated by means of exercise therapy combined with job training.

Silent clouds in the starry sky 2024-05-27 10:37:21

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