Three Ways to Solve Premenstrual Chest Pain

Leaves fall with the rain Ask questions on 2024-06-23 22:06:45
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You, who had no obvious reaction during your menstrual period, started suddenly, probably because of some kind of tension, which led to the abnormal movement of qi and blood. The distension and pain caused by this reason are usually accompanied by disorder and decrease of menstruation.

1. Reject

Most milk contains high estrogen, which is good for short-term use. If it is used for a long time or in a large amount, it will affect the estrogen level in the body. The pain of r atrium is caused by the increase of hormone level. In the first half of the cycle, estrogen levels rise, leading to local tissue congestion in the r room, causing chest pain. After that, the pain will disappear with the decrease of hormone level. But breast augmentation breast may destroy this balance.

2. If you have the other half, live in harmony

Food and color also. Long term lack of * life, or * life disharmony, will make your body feel "sexual hunger and thirst", thus affecting the physiological changes of R room. The sexual desire with nowhere to vent will make the congestion of R atrium not easy to subside, or not completely subside. This kind of continuous hyperemia may aggravate the periodic R atrial distension and pain.

3. Fat you, lose weight to reduce pain

Obesity will increase the risk of disease, and if the weight is controlled within the normal weight, it will also help to alleviate the swelling and pain in the R chamber. Tips: what are the hidden dangers of distention and pain?

Simple premenstrual r atrial distention and pain is only premenstrual syndrome, but its symptoms are similar to breast hyperplasia. If the pain is tingling, and the underarm and back are involved, it is more likely to be hyperplastic lesions.

R atrial tumor

If the distention pain does not occur before menstruation, but after the end of menstruation or ovulation, and there is pain when touching underwear or touching, then it is likely that there is a tumor latent in the R chamber, especially be careful!

Leaves fall with the rain 2024-06-24 11:15:57

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