External drugs for mycotic vaginitis

Struggle Ask questions on May 18, 2024-14:01:12
Recommended answer

External drugs for fungal vaginitis include clotrimazole suppository, nystatin suppository, dactyline suppository, etc. If women do not have sex, they need to take oral antifungal drugs, such as fluconazole. If necessary, you also need to use alkaline lotion to clean the vulva, such as soda tablets, sodium bicarbonate injection, etc. However, when using drugs, it needs to be carried out under the guidance of the doctor to avoid improper use of drugs, which may affect the treatment effect. The treatment of simple fungal vaginitis is relatively simple. For the complicated mycotic vaginitis, the medication is more complicated and the course of treatment is longer, and even fungal culture and drug sensitivity test are required to select sensitive drug treatment.

Struggle 2024-05-20 11:32:55

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