How to avoid postpartum amenorrhea and prevent postpartum amenorrhea

True and false happiness Ask questions at 13:51:49 on June 21, 2024
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Postpartum amenorrhea is also a common postpartum disease, also known as postpartum amenorrhea syndrome. It is an important way to prevent postpartum amenorrhea syndrome to pay more attention to recuperate the body and daily care before and after childbirth. Therefore, how to do a good job in prevention to avoid the occurrence of postpartum amenorrhea? It is mainly realized through the following four aspects:

1. Strengthen nutrition after delivery to promote the recovery of health.

Pregnancy in October, as well as the birth process, have consumed a lot of physical strength and energy of the pregnant women, and their physical resistance is low. For this reason, it is very important to strengthen nutrition in time, do a good job in diet and rest nursing, and ensure health in order to promote physical recovery and wound healing after delivery.

2. Pay attention to rest and exercise more when appropriate.

Due to the need for more rest after childbirth, and after a period of cultivation, in order to avoid the stagnation of qi and blood caused by too long rest time, the body is weak, when appropriate, more walking and exercise, which is also very helpful for the recovery of the body.

3. * Live moderately and take contraceptive measures.

It is very important to take contraceptive measures and avoid multiple abortion operations in order to avoid accidental pregnancy, which will affect the stability of women's endocrine system and ovarian function.

4. Keep warm to avoid cold stimulation.

In order to avoid amenorrhea caused by cold in the uterus, warm keeping measures should be taken at ordinary times, especially below the waist. In addition, do not touch cold water during menstruation, and do not eat raw and cold stimulus, so as to maintain smooth blood flow.

True and false happiness 2024-06-24 11:14:10

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