Efficacy of Compound Glycyrrhiza and Zhebei Ammonium Chloride Tablets

Tianya Life Ask questions on 2024-05-17 22:59:38
Recommended answer

It can increase the secretion of mucous glands in the respiratory tract. Compound glycyrrhiza and Zhebei ammonium chloride tablets belong to antitussive and expectorant drugs. It is a compound preparation composed of various drug ingredients. Its pharmacological effect is that this product can increase the secretion of mucous glands in the respiratory tract, so that the sputum can be diluted and discharged more easily, which is conducive to the elimination of phlegm, and also has a certain antitussive effect. Therefore, its indication is for the treatment of cough and expectoration caused by acute and chronic bronchitis. This medicine also has some adverse reactions. A few patients may have nausea, vomiting, stomachache, and occasional rash after taking it. After stopping the medicine, the symptoms can disappear. This medicine is symptomatic. When taking this medicine for 7 days, the symptoms are not alleviated, and you need to see a doctor in time. It should be used with caution for patients with peptic ulcer, pregnant women and lactating women.

Tianya Life 2024-05-20 11:36:22

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