Which is fun, Wanwei Golden Beach or Bailang Beach

know by oneself whether it is cold or warm Questions were asked at 07:30:16, June 6, 2024
Recommended answer

Wanwei Golden Beach and Bailang Beach are very famous beach attractions on Hainan Island, China, attracting many tourists to come for sightseeing and vacation. However, they have different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so which one is more interesting needs to be determined according to personal interests and needs.

Wanwei Golden Beach, located in the southeast of Hainan Island, is an 8-kilometer long beach with fine sand, clear water and white sand, and calm waves. It is suitable for swimming and snorkeling. In addition, the natural scenery around Wanwei Golden Beach is also very beautiful, with dense coconut forests and tropical flowers, you can enjoy the unique natural landscape of the island.

Bailang Beach, located in the southwest of Hainan Island, is a beach with a coastline of 7 kilometers long. The sand is white, the water is clear and the sand is soft, the waves are large, and it is suitable for surfing and playing. In addition, there are many water activities in Bailang Beach, such as windsurfing, motorboats, and towing umbrellas, which can let tourists experience more excitement and fun.

Therefore, if you like quiet beaches and natural scenery, you can choose Wanwei Golden Beach; If you like vibrant beaches and water activities, you can choose White Wave Beach. Of course, if you have enough time, you can also go to both beaches to experience different island customs.

know by oneself whether it is cold or warm 2024-06-11 11:40:34

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