What's the matter of cervical cyst

Where do we not meet in life Ask questions at 00:50:44, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Nasal sac of the cervix, also known as cervical gland retention cyst and Na's gland cyst, belongs to a kind of cervicitis. Most of them are due to the stimulation of chronic cervicitis, which causes the blockage of the glandular tube of the cervical gland, resulting in the retention of secretions. Generally speaking, if the patient has no obvious symptoms, the symptoms of discomfort can be checked regularly without too much intervention and treatment. If the patient has obvious symptoms of discomfort, such as increased leucorrhea, yellowing color, odor and other inflammatory symptoms, they need to go to the hospital for further inspection. If the cyst is large and accompanied by obvious contact bleeding during sexual life. Physical therapy or surgical resection is generally recommended.

Where do we not meet in life 2024-04-28 11:15:51

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