What kind of food should I eat if my hands are injured

The night wind comes Ask questions on 2024-06-01 02:56:43
Recommended answer

When a patient has a hand injury, it is generally necessary to strengthen nutrition, not to say what food to eat, but to eat a high protein and calcium diet. For example, patients can eat milk, bean products, fish, shrimp, which provide patients with more protein and calcium, which is conducive to the healing of patients' wounds. In particular, if the patient has an open wound, relevant treatment should be carried out in a timely manner. First, debridement and suture should be carried out in a timely manner to make the open wound, as well as the contaminated wound, become a closed wound and a clean wound. At the same time, antibiotics should be treated to avoid infection. Three weeks to four weeks after trauma, functional exercise should be strengthened to avoid joint stiffness of the hand.

The night wind comes 2024-06-03 12:36:27

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