What to do if the glans is highly sensitive

A man of peace Ask questions on May 9, 2024-11:17:22
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for the high sensitivity of glans penis, and only by treating the causes can we achieve good results. It is considered that there is chronic inflammation in glans glans, which will lead to nervous system sensitivity under long-term stimulation of chronic inflammation. Considering that male foreskin is too long, glans sensitivity is also related to genetic factors. When the male glans is highly sensitive, it can be treated symptomatically under the guidance of a doctor. For men with balanitis, anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken. At the same time, local application of lidocaine ointment can effectively alleviate symptoms. If the male foreskin phimosis is too long, you can go to the hospital for circumcision to relieve symptoms. Due to the high sensitivity of male glans, the duration of sexual intercourse will be shortened. It is suggested that treatment should be carried out in time, and the condom should be worn during sexual intercourse to play a role in blocking the ejaculation and prolong the ejaculation time. Exercise more in daily life to improve physical resistance and immunity. Don't give yourself too much psychological pressure, relax, and build self-confidence.

A man of peace 2024-05-13 11:18:06

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