How to treat air bubbles in the lungs

Mountains and waters always have feelings Ask on April 24, 2024 19:24:20
Recommended answer

The so-called air bubbles in the lung are clinically called bullous emphysema, or pulmonary bullae. If it is bullous emphysema, first of all, it is because of the patient's genetic factors, physical reasons. Secondly, it has a certain relationship with the smoking of patients, and the localized pulmonary air blisters or less bullous emphysema do not need to be treated. If severe pulmonary bullae are combined, which has affected the respiratory function, and is easy to be combined with spontaneous pneumothorax, surgical resection or regular oxygen inhalation is required at this time. For other treatments, there is no special method at present. If it is extensive pulmonary bulla or bullous emphysema in the lung, which has seriously affected the respiratory function or has severe respiratory failure, lung transplantation can be considered when life cannot be maintained.

Mountains and waters always have feelings 2024-04-28 17:58:27

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