How to deal with blisters after scalding

Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy Ask questions at 13:47:56 on May 8, 2024
Recommended answer

The skin has blisters after being scalded. Generally, the treatment is based on the size and distribution of blisters. If the scope is not large and the blisters are small, the scald ointment can be applied directly. If the blister is large and the tension is high, you can use a disinfection needle to prick the blister, and then carry out disinfection and anti-inflammatory treatment. At the same time, apply erythromycin ointment or dragon bead ointment externally. This can prevent infection to a certain extent, and should be accompanied by oral antibiotics, usually oral cephalexin, etc. In addition, if the area and degree of burns are serious, they still need to go to the hospital for timely treatment.

Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy 2024-05-13 11:14:32

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