What's wrong with pregnant women's stomachache after eight months of pregnancy

Endless rain Ask questions at 10:13:29, April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

After 8 months of pregnancy, tummy ache is caused by the following reasons. The first reason is due to the continuous growth and development of the fetus, the obvious increase in uterine volume, and the pulling of bilateral ligaments. The second reason is that it is caused by pseudo contractions, which are normal physiological phenomena and are mainly used to prepare for future production. Generally, the pain is not very serious and lasts for a short time. It can be relieved after a short rest in bed. The third reason is intestinal diseases, such as intestinal inflammation, intestinal volvulus or intestinal spasm. Close observation is needed at this time. If the pain is obviously aggravated, it needs to go to the hospital for treatment in time.

Endless rain 2024-04-28 17:52:19

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