What's wrong with sour heels

Tears and pharynx are silent Ask on April 25, 2024 02:33:28
Recommended answer

Heel ache is a common clinical symptom, which is most commonly seen in root pain and heel. It is related to long-term and repeated cumulative strain and degenerative changes, and may also be calcaneal bursitis. The calcaneal bursa is located below the heel, which is the place with the greatest load. The patient should first lose weight, reduce exercise, and let the heel get sufficient rest. Use hot water to soak feet every day, which can effectively promote local blood circulation and promote the regression of inflammation. If the pain is very severe, you can also take some non steroidal painkillers orally. In addition, it is suggested that patients should wear comfortable shoes, not hard soled shoes or high-heeled shoes, and pay attention to keeping feet warm, so as not to catch cold.

Tears and pharynx are silent 2024-04-28 17:52:22

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