What's wrong with long pimples in the vulva

endure hardships and be capable of hard work Ask questions at 09:54:18, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The patient's vulva has long pimples, and there are many symptoms associated with pain, which may be caused by the following causes: First, it may be the vestibular gland cyst. Because the vulva has been chronically stimulated by inflammation for a long time, the mouth of the vestibular gland tube is blocked, resulting in the secretion in the gland tube can not be discharged smoothly. 2、 It may be caused by folliculitis of the vulva. If the patient does not pay attention to the cleaning of the vulva, such as not paying attention to cleaning the vulva, or often wearing tight underwear, resulting in local poor ventilation, causing bacteria breeding and forming folliculitis, leading to the patient's symptoms of pimples and pain in the vulva. When patients have the above symptoms, they should go to the gynaecological department of the hospital for relevant examination in time, and treat them in time after the cause is clear. If it is vestibular gland cyst, it can be treated surgically; if it is folliculitis, it can be locally smeared with erythromycin ointment.

endure hardships and be capable of hard work 2024-04-28 17:59:47

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