How to treat inflammation of prostate

Love yourself Ask questions at 01:51:40, April 25, 2024
Recommended answer

Prostatitis can generally be divided into four types clinically. Acute prostatitis is usually caused by Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus, etc. When the body's resistance decreases, it can spread directly through blood circulation, lymph circulation, and lead to acute inflammation of prostate tissue. It is usually given active anti infection treatment. The commonly used antibiotics are quinolones, such as ofloxacin, cephalosporins, etc. The etiology of chronic prostatitis is complex, which may be related to factors such as pathogen infection in prostate tissue, urine reflux, immune factors, and disharmony of pelvic floor muscle and nerve tissue functions. Therefore, good effects can be achieved through appropriate anti infection treatment, symptomatic treatment, prostate massage, hip bath, physical therapy and other ways.

Love yourself 2024-04-28 18:05:57

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