What to eat for hemorrhoid patients

the garden is full of the vigour of springtime Ask on 2024-05-26 21:26:44
Recommended answer

Hemorrhoid patients should pay attention to keeping their stools unobstructed in daily life. Generally speaking, it is recommended that patients should eat more dietary fiber, drink more water, and limit the intake of high-fat food. Never drink alcohol. It is recommended that patients should eat more cabbage, spinach, and eat more fresh fruits, such as watermelon, pear, apple, pitaya, etc. It is suggested that patients with hemorrhoids should also be actively treated. They can go to a regular hospital to have anorectal endoscopy and other related examinations first. They can use hemorrhoid cream to apply it on the skin and the skin as instructed by the doctor. They should take more rest in daily life, and can also properly strengthen the training of lifting the anus.

the garden is full of the vigour of springtime 2024-05-27 10:37:53

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