What are the early reactions of pregnant women

Just want to be a good man Ask on 2024-06-22 20:18:57
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It is said that the greatest thing in the world is maternal love. The mother gave birth to her baby in October. During this October, she experienced all kinds of hardships caused by pregnancy. What are the early reactions of pregnant women? Anyone who has been a mother should know that the most uncomfortable thing in the early pregnancy period is pregnancy vomiting. In fact, there are other pregnancy reactions besides pregnancy vomiting. The early reaction of each pregnant woman is more or less different, but generally speaking, the early reaction of pregnant women is mostly the following.

Symptom 1. Abnormal feeling

This symptom may be the reason why you are browsing this page now. Many women believe that they have the ability to predict pregnancy. And their intuition is often right.

Maybe you just feel abnormal: tired, emotional, often nauseated, dizzy. You may also have stomach pain, constipation, or you may find yourself going to the bathroom more often. Perhaps, you will feel pain or stiffness in your waist, or you will also feel pain in R room, or R room is overly sensitive, or you just feel that you are very different from usual.

Symptom 2, month * stop

Month * stop is the earliest and most important "signal" of early pregnancy. Generally, it is normal for a month * to be delayed for 7 days. If it is more than 10 days, it is likely to be pregnant. This symptom has led women to notice more symptoms of pregnancy. But it is not necessarily pregnancy if you don't come. There are many reasons why you don't come. It may be caused by some gynecological diseases or mental stress. It is better to go to the hospital for relevant examinations.

Some women may only experience some symptoms that are weaker than usual. They may not find any of the following symptoms before finding menopause.

Symptom 3. Change of r atrium

One of the obvious characteristics of pregnancy is that your R chamber begins to become sensitive, swollen, and feel pain for no reason. You may feel something strange in room R when you are looking for a comfortable sleeping position to sleep, exercising or taking a bath, or dressing.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the R chamber will be larger, and become more solid and heavy. Room R will have a feeling of fullness and tingling. The small particles on the dark yellow halo around the nipple are particularly prominent. Some women will find that their * heads will turn black.

R chamber plays an important role in lactation. Therefore, during pregnancy, the R chamber will become sensitive and swollen. This is also a very obvious symptom of pregnancy.

Symptom 4: easy to get tired

One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is fatigue. You may go to bed earlier, but find it harder to get up in the morning. If you have a job to do, you will feel that you need to find a place to lie down for a rest at ten o'clock at noon. Exercise becomes high consumption. Simple activities such as shopping will make you feel very tired, even top heavy. All these symptoms are caused by the growth of hormones in your body.

Symptom 5: nausea

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is nausea. This may surprise you if you are completely unprepared. This symptom may appear in the first week of pregnancy. Many women vomit when they drink coffee or have breakfast on an empty stomach in the morning. This is what people call morning sickness. Some pregnant women will feel nauseated in the afternoon or evening. Others will feel sick all day.

A small amount of food can alleviate this symptom. Some pregnant women think that canned sardines and milk are very helpful for reducing nausea. This symptom will begin to appear slowly one month after the start of pregnancy. When you enter the sixth month, its intensity will gradually reduce, and the human body will slowly adapt to various changes caused by pregnancy.

Symptom 6. Frequency of urination

One of the symptoms that others will notice about your pregnancy is that you visit the bathroom more frequently. Your family or friends will tell you that you go to the bathroom more often than before. The reason for this phenomenon is that the swollen bladder will cause pressure.

At the beginning of pregnancy, many women have frequent urination, some once an hour, which is a natural phenomenon and does not need treatment.

At the same time, pregnancy will also make the kidney and bladder produce more fluid. This causes you to go to the bathroom more frequently. What a headache it would be if we did this until we had a baby! However, don't worry that after 12 weeks of pregnancy, the penis will slowly exceed the pelvic cavity, the bladder will no longer be oppressed and stimulated, and the frequent urination symptoms will relieve themselves.

Symptom 7: dizziness

Dizziness is a symptom that makes pregnant women feel more helpless. Whether you are going up the stairs, standing up after sitting for a long time, or selling in retail stores, you will feel dizzy and even faint. This is because the swelling of the penis will compress the blood vessels in the legs. This is your blood pressure drops, leading to dizziness.

Dizziness may also be caused by another reason. When you haven't eaten for a while, you will feel dizzy. This is because blood sugar is too low. And blood sugar is your baby's main food intake. In order to increase blood sugar concentration in your body, you need to eat some healthy food more frequently. Put more things into your lunch box, such as apples, bananas, grapes, yogurt, carrots, celery, cheese, plain milk, juice, granola, raisins, etc.

Pregnancy is a very uncomfortable process, but at the same time, I can feel the joy of becoming a mother. Although there are many early reactions of pregnant women, as long as we take corresponding measures, it can help us reduce some discomfort. Mothers to be must pay attention to that, although pregnancy is a very hard thing, everything should be more careful during pregnancy. Don't eat indiscriminately. Everything is for the sake of the baby in the belly.

Just want to be a good man 2024-06-24 11:29:11

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