What should be done for liver examination

Wenzhu arouses a middle-aged style Ask questions at 08:44:52, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Liver examination generally includes liver function, five items of hepatitis B, image examination, etc. (1) Liver function: it can be used as an auxiliary examination for liver and gallbladder diseases. The basic condition of liver function can be reflected by checking the indexes related to liver function metabolism. If it is a mild abnormal liver function, it can be self repaired and improved through its own regulatory function. If the liver function is seriously abnormal, it should be treated in time. (2) Five items of hepatitis B: mainly check the markers of hepatitis B virus. Viral hepatitis can be diagnosed by this test. (3) Imaging examination of liver: it can include ultrasound, X-ray, CT and MRI examination, and enhanced imaging can be done when necessary. As a non-invasive examination, the condition of the liver can be comprehensively analyzed. This examination is convenient and non-invasive. It can judge the basic conditions of the liver and gallbladder, and determine whether the position and shape of the liver are normal, such as whether the liver is enlarged or shrunk, whether there are masses, cysts, etc., and the pancreas and biliary tract around the liver.

Wenzhu arouses a middle-aged style 2024-06-03 12:24:52

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