The "eccentric father" fed his daughter across from his son. Son: I confirmed my eyes. This is a fake father

The confusion dissipates Ask on 2024-06-22 06:09:56
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It is said that the daughter is the "little lover" of the father in his last life. Many dads "dote" on their daughter, but when they arrive at their son, they change their "face". In particular, the difference between the daughter and the son is too big, which is simply "inhuman".

Recently, a "eccentric eye" father became angry. The father and his son and daughter sat together to eat grapes. Next to the father sat the youngest son, and next to the youngest son sat the eldest daughter. The father peeled the grapes and sent them directly over the younger son to the older daughter.

The son thought that one time it would be his turn. He looked at his father with eager eyes, but his father only saw his daughter!

"Hey, Dad, I'm here. Isn't it that I'm closer to you? Shouldn't you give me one too?" The younger son has already started to stop me.

However, Dad was indifferent.


But my father only sees my sister!

The little son's suspicious eyes just burst into laughter!

After reading it, netizens commented: Does my son have a wonderful look!

Some netizens laughed: This is the type of oxygen tank pulled out after getting old.

In life, many dads treat their daughters more favorably. Although they don't take it seriously when they smile, when it comes to their attitude towards women, parents still need to pay attention to details. Sometimes, an unintentional act, which adults feel indifferent to, can hurt their children.

1. Parents must treat their children well

Children are all their own children. Children should enjoy the same love from their parents, and should not be biased towards children because of gender, appearance, personality and other reasons.

Many times parents may not care, but the signals received by children will hurt their young minds. For example, brothers and sisters have toys, but they don't have them. Brothers and sisters have new clothes, and they don't have them.

A netizen shared his real experience. One day when he was a child, he came home from school with a purple skirt on his bed. That style was very popular that year. He was so excited that he thought he had bought it for himself, so he couldn't wait to wear it. But my mother came back and said it was for my sister, but I didn't have it. At that time, he was very frustrated. Don't mention it. It's still unforgettable, but fortunately, my mother saw my loss and sadness later and gave me a piece of mending. To be honest, if my mother didn't give me a piece of mending, maybe I would "hate" for a lifetime.

Children's memory is always surprisingly good. This is a good proof of this. Even when some children grow up, they take out the unfair treatment they once received to stop their mother's mouth, which makes the old mother very sad.

2. Parents should teach their children to love each other

If there are two more children in the family, parents should first teach the older child to take care of his younger brother and sister, so that he can feel a sense of responsibility on his shoulder. When the boss loves the second child, he or she will be praised. In the long run, the boss will naturally love his or her younger brother or sister.

But at the same time, the boss's psychology cannot be ignored, because he (she) is also a child after all. When it comes to toys, snacks, clothes and other personal items, the child only thinks of "whether he or she has them, and whether his or her parents are partial to their younger brothers and sisters".

In fact, as long as parents set an example, children can get along well with each other.

The confusion dissipates 2024-06-24 11:23:37

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