What is the pain of pressing the right middle finger joint

Encounter tulips Ask questions at 13:57:10 on April 23, 2024
Recommended answer

The middle finger joint of the right hand is tender. Please consider the following reasons. First, consider the tenosynovitis caused by long-term hard physical work and excessive exercise. In this case, it is recommended to improve the patient's lifestyle while applying hot compress. If necessary, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, blood activating and stasis removing drugs, and local physiotherapy drugs can be given for treatment. Generally, the symptoms can be alleviated within 5 to 7 days. Second, more attention should be paid to the symptoms caused by gout. It is suggested to carry out uric acid examination to clarify the relevant diagnosis. If uric acid is high, we should actively use feprista to reduce uric acid, rely on coxib for anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment, and at the same time, we should ask patients to drink more water to promote uric acid excretion, focusing on low purine diet. Generally speaking, the problem is not serious, If necessary, more attention should be paid to the treatment of alkalized urine.

Encounter tulips 2024-04-28 18:05:28

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