What to eat to cure impotence

Open-minded Ask questions on 2024-05-28 22:41:25
Recommended answer

For the treatment of impotence, it is necessary to find out the causes before targeted treatment can be carried out. Generally, the causes of impotence are mostly caused by the excessive sexual life or disease of the foreskin, frequent masturbation, and it is recommended to go to a regular hospital in time to find out the causes, and treat the impotence according to the doctor's guidance. In terms of impotence diet, it is recommended to avoid eating some spicy and cold food. It is suggested to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet is light and easy to digest. You can eat more calcium supplements, such as eggs, fish, lean meat, apples, shrimp, bananas, etc., which can effectively improve the symptoms.

Open-minded 2024-06-03 12:26:21

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