What's wrong with repeated acne

Clouds and rain drifting Ask on 2024-05-29 08:15:24
Recommended answer

Acne refers to acne. In clinic, acne is a chronic skin inflammation, which often occurs in the sebaceous glands of hair follicles. The reason why acne occurs repeatedly is that the local inflammation is not effectively controlled. Maybe the patient itself is affected by the level of hormones or bad living habits, Local inflammation can not be effectively controlled. When the local hair follicle sebaceous glands are stimulated by inflammation, the sebaceous glands are not excreted smoothly and accumulate in them, which is more likely to cause the growth of a local Acne bacillus, which will lead to local inflammatory infection and further aggravate the situation. Acne is easy to recur in clinical practice, especially for adolescent patients, as well as pregnant patients. For such patients, after the hormone level returns to a normal level, it can slowly subside.

Clouds and rain drifting 2024-06-03 12:28:24

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