What are the initial symptoms of neurotic deafness

Dust Flyer Ask questions at 08:59:15, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

Neurogenic deafness includes many types. The most common cases are senile deafness and sudden deafness. Senile deafness is often the bilateral sensorineural deafness of older patients with unknown causes. The onset of the disease is often more hidden, and it gradually increases with age. Some patients may be accompanied by tinnitus symptoms, especially in quiet nights. Sudden deafness is a sudden sensorineural hearing loss with unknown causes. Most cases are single ear deafness, and the onset is often sudden. The patient may have induced factors such as fatigue, upper respiratory tract infection, mental anxiety, etc. Some patients may only show symptoms of ear tightness and tinnitus at the initial stage, while others may show symptoms of dizziness and vomiting.

Dust Flyer 2024-06-03 12:41:21

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