How to deal with children's cold and stuffy nose

Still Night Spring Water Ask on April 27, 2024 16:23:42
Recommended answer

The child's cold is mainly caused by improper parental care and catching cold. If the child has a cold, he or she can take Xiaoer paracetamol Huang Namin granules orally under the guidance of the doctor, and take them in strict accordance with the dose, and never overdose them. If the cold does not cause secondary bacterial infection, the course of the disease is mostly about a week. At the same time, the child's temperature should be closely monitored, If you have a fever and need to see a doctor, you should strengthen child care at ordinary times and pay attention to keeping warm. When the weather turns cold, you should add clothes to the child in time, try not to take the child to places with dense traffic, let the child drink more warm water, eat more vegetables, fruits and high protein foods properly. If parents take proper care at ordinary times, the child will be less sick.

Still Night Spring Water 2024-04-28 18:08:23

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