Effect of Alfacalcidol Tablets

Between water clouds Ask questions on 2024-05-14 06:50:18
Recommended answer

Alfacalcidol tablet is a calcium regulating drug, which can regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphate, and can increase the absorption of calcium and phosphate in the intestinal tract, promote bone mineralization, reduce the level of plasma parathyroid hormone, reduce bone calcium dissolution, alleviate bone and muscle pain, so as to improve the osteoporosis caused by gastrointestinal absorption barrier caused by menopause and aging endocrine changes. Therefore, Afacalcidol tablet is mainly used for symptoms caused by abnormal vitamin D metabolism, such as hypocalcemia, convulsions, bone pain and bone damage. It is also used in patients with osteoporosis.

Between water clouds 2024-05-20 11:31:10

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