High blood pressure, headache, what medicine to take

Concealment Ask questions on April 20, 2024:36:53
Recommended answer

If patients with hypertension have high blood pressure and headache, the most suitable treatment is antihypertensive drugs, not pain relievers, because high blood pressure is the root cause of headache. Short acting and fast blood pressure lowering drugs can be selected around, such as nifedipine sustained-release tablets. Close monitoring of blood pressure is required to control the blood pressure to a relatively stable and normal level, and headache will be relieved accordingly. If the blood pressure continues to rise and does not ease, it is recommended to go to the nearest hospital at the first time to control the blood pressure by intravenous application of urapidil and other drugs, and also check whether there are cerebrovascular events caused by hypertension, including cerebral hemorrhage and acute cerebral infarction death.

Concealment 2024-04-22 12:13:16

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