How to make soup recipes for pregnant women

Fairy Tale Fish Playing Figs Ask on June 21, 2024-17:25:24
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Pregnant women are a sensitive group, and they need to be taken seriously in terms of their diet and life. Do you know the complete recipe for pregnant women to cook soup, and do you know the complete recipe for pregnant women to cook soup and how to do it? Let's take a look at it together.

A Complete Recipe of Soup for Pregnant Women

In fact, when most female friends are pregnant, they will learn some soup recipes to help their children give them enough nutrition.

Because these special soups are rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, amino acids and other nutrients.

Many pregnant women do not know which soup to cook when they are cooking soup, and do not know where to find the right soup recipe list for pregnant women to cook soup. They just search the Internet randomly to find which one to choose.

Many pregnant women may not have a special understanding. In fact, pregnant women soup is very important for pregnant women to provide nutrition during pregnancy. Pregnant women can help themselves adjust their physiology through correct diet.

Therefore, in order to let pregnant mothers know very clearly the recipe list of pregnant women's soup recipes, we recommend several soup recipes after careful analysis and research.

Good soup for beauty in early pregnancy, delicious and easy to make

Material Science

8 fresh chicken feet; Tomato 2; 1 carrot; 1 jin Chinese cabbage; 2 pairs of soybean sprouts; 1 onion; A small amount of celery and pepper.


1. Put chicken feet into water and boil it for two minutes, then take it out and wash the blood stains, and set it aside;

2. We'd better cut all the ingredients into appropriate sizes;

Put all the ingredients into a pot, add eight minutes of water, boil for 20 minutes on high heat, and then turn to low heat for 1.5-2 hours to taste.


This soup is very effective for early pregnant mothers with poor appetite, because it is refreshing, not greasy, and appetizing. It can also add a lot of vitamins, chicken feet and bones; It is very beneficial to pregnant mothers and babies.

Good soup for the second trimester

Chicken Soup with Gorgon and Red Beans

Material Science

Half a jin of lean meat (preferably pig show), 1 liang of pheasant (large, 2-3), 2 liang of red beans, and a small slice of tangerine peel.


1. Wash all the ingredients and prepare the tangerine peel. Soak it with water and scrape off the soft capsule inside for use

2. Cut lean meat and frog into large pieces and put them into water to boil for two minutes, then take them out and wash the blood stains.

3. Put all the ingredients into a pot, add eight minutes of water, boil for 20 minutes with high heat, and then turn to low heat for 2 to 2.5 hours. Season and drink.

This soup has the function of tonifying deficiency and benefiting water. It is very good for pregnant mothers with edema in the middle and later stages. The soup that is often cooked in the late pregnancy period is red pineapple, soybeans, corn and pig bones. It is easy to make and tastes good.

Spare Ribs Soup with Dried Shellfish and Mushrooms

Material Science

Half a jin of ribs, 8 chicken feet (fresh chicken feet are recommended, not frozen ones), mushrooms (about 8 for small ones, 5 for large ones), and 5 scallops.


1. Put the ribs and chicken feet into cold water and boil for two minutes, then take out the clear blood water for standby (it is recommended that chicken feet should not be cut off to avoid greasy soup);

2. Rinse the mushrooms with water and soak them slightly, soak the scallops with water and tear them up;

3. Add eight minutes of water into the pot, put all the ingredients into the pot, boil it for 20 minutes over high heat, and then boil it for 2-3 hours over low heat. Season and serve.


This soup is very nourishing, because it is rich in calcium, and has a very good effect on strengthening bones and muscles. Moreover, the mushroom is rich in a variety of amino acids needed by the human body. In addition, it has a delicate smell and is very delicious.

Many pregnant women do not know which soup to cook when they are cooking soup, and do not know where to find the right soup recipe list for pregnant women to cook soup. They just search the Internet randomly to find which one to choose.

They don't know that this is also an important part of maternal health care knowledge. If pregnant women have a serious understanding when they are pregnant, they can find the correct recommendation list.

Therefore, in order to let pregnant mothers know very clearly the recipe list of pregnant women's soup recipes, after careful analysis and research, we recommend the following recipe list:

Chicken Soup with Gorgon and Red Beans

Material Science

Half a jin of lean meat (preferably pig show), 1 liang of pheasant (large, 2-3), 2 liang of red beans, and a small slice of tangerine peel.


1. Wash all the ingredients and prepare the tangerine peel. Soak it with water and scrape off the soft capsule inside for use

2. Cut lean meat and frog into large pieces and put them into water to boil for two minutes, then take them out and wash the blood stains.

3. Put all the ingredients into a pot, add eight minutes of water, boil for 20 minutes with high heat, and then turn to low heat for 2 to 2.5 hours. Season and drink.

This soup has the function of tonifying deficiency and benefiting water. It is very good for pregnant mothers with edema in the middle and later stages.

Huaishan Kidney Slice Soup


250g winter melon, 1 pair of pork loin, 15g barley, 15g astragalus, 15g huaishan, 5 mushrooms, 10 cups chicken soup.


Peel and core the wax gourd, cut it into blocks, and remove the stem from the mushroom. Cut the pork loin on both sides, remove the white part, then cut it into pieces, wash it and use hot water. Pour chicken soup into a pot and heat it. First put ginger and scallions, then put job's tears, astragalus and wax gourd. Cook it over medium heat for 40 minutes. Add pork loin, mushrooms and Huaishan, cook them well and then simmer for a while. Season them.


This white soup is fresh, delicious, crisp and tender, nutritious, and is the best soup for pregnant women.

Spare Ribs Soup with Dried Shellfish and Mushrooms

Material Science

Half a jin of ribs, 8 chicken feet (fresh chicken feet are recommended, not frozen ones), mushrooms (about 8 for small ones, 5 for large ones), and 5 scallops.


1. Put the ribs and chicken feet into cold water and boil for two minutes, then take out the clear blood water for standby (it is recommended that chicken feet should not be cut off to avoid greasy soup);

2. Rinse the mushrooms with water and soak them slightly, soak the scallops with water and tear them up;

3. Add eight minutes of water into the pot, put all the ingredients into the pot, boil it for 20 minutes over high heat, and then boil it for 2-3 hours over low heat. Season and serve.


This soup is very nourishing, because it is rich in calcium, and has a very good effect on strengthening bones and muscles. Moreover, the mushroom is rich in a variety of amino acids needed by the human body. In addition, it has a delicate smell and is very delicious.

Conclusion: Through the above description, we must have learned a lot about the recipes for pregnant women to make soup. The recipes introduced above are very helpful to women during pregnancy. If we can learn how to make several nutritious soups at home, it will be a pleasure.

Fairy Tale Fish Playing Figs 2024-06-24 11:23:56

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