Can the down jacket be stored in a vacuum compression bag

Boil wine and discuss the world Ask questions at 19:59:43 on June 8, 2024
Recommended answer

Down jackets can be stored in vacuum compression bags, but the following points should be noted:

1. The thermal insulation performance of down jacket will be affected by compression, because the thermal insulation effect of down jacket is achieved by the fluffy degree of down. If it is excessively compressed, the puffiness of down will be reduced, thus affecting the warmth retention performance.

2. The material of down jacket also needs to be considered. If the fabric of down jacket is thin or easy to wear, the use of vacuum compression bags may damage it.

3. The quality of down jacket also needs to be considered. If the filling quality of down jacket is low, the use of vacuum compression bags may cause the filling to disperse or reduce.

4. The storage time of down jacket should also be considered. If compressed for a long time, the filling of the down jacket may be damaged, thus affecting the warmth retention performance.

Therefore, if you decide to use vacuum compression bags for the storage of down jackets, it is recommended to use them without long-term storage, and dry down jackets before storage to avoid mildew and other problems. At the same time, it is also recommended to use vacuum compression bags with good quality, and do not over compress.

Boil wine and discuss the world 2024-06-11 11:47:38

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