Take the tuberculosis drug uric acid as high as 600

Rain Run Static Load Ask questions at 04:32:53, April 23, 2024
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The increase in uric acid caused by taking the tuberculosis drug is due to pyrazinamide, which inhibits the excretion of uric acid, resulting in high uric acid. Therefore, patients should not eat foods high in purine, beer, seafood, animal viscera, bean products, or broth. Generally, pyrazinamide will be used for two months. During this period, if the patient has no attack of gout, it can be observed that uric acid will drop to normal after stopping the drug; If you have gout, you can use antipyretic analgesics for pain. After pain relief, you can use drugs to reduce uric acid, or you can take baking soda to alkalize urine.

Rain Run Static Load 2024-04-28 11:18:40

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