What to eat for leg edema

Yangtze River and Yellow River Ask questions on May 29, 2024-19:02:48
Recommended answer

First of all, we should clarify the cause of edema. For people with lower leg edema, we suggest that they go to the hospital to check the liver function, renal function, blood sugar, blood pressure, and color ultrasound of lower limb blood vessels to determine whether there is any abnormality of renal function, whether there is hypertension, whether there is diabetes, or whether there is a reflux barrier of lower limb blood vessels. If there are these diseases, medical treatment is required. If the pathological reasons are excluded, you can eat more diuretic foods in your diet, such as winter melon, red beans, job tears, etc. At the same time, proper exercise and raising the calf when resting can help relieve edema.

Yangtze River and Yellow River 2024-06-03 12:25:41

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