What's the matter with leg muscle ache

Nimravus Ask questions at 22:48:00, May 10, 2024
Recommended answer

Muscle soreness of lower extremities is often caused by the following reasons: 1. After strenuous exercise, lactic acid accumulation will cause muscle soreness, which generally does not require special treatment. After 1-3 days of rest, the symptoms are basically relieved. Eating more food containing vitamin C can promote the absorption or metabolism of lactic acid. 2. When muscle spasm occurs, it is easy to have muscle spasm, or cramp, due to a long posture of muscles. Massage and massage can be used to improve the blood circulation of muscles, or physical therapy can be used to alleviate it. 3. Body tissue diseases, such as symptoms caused by viral colds, can also cause muscle soreness. However, this situation will cause muscle soreness in the whole body. After active treatment of the primary disease, the basic symptoms can also be significantly alleviated. 4. After drinking a lot, alcohol can also cause a lot of creatine, lactic acid accumulation, and muscle soreness. 5. Osteoporosis is commonly seen in middle-aged and elderly patients. Due to the massive loss of bone mass, lower blood calcium will cause lower limb muscle soreness.

Nimravus 2024-05-13 11:13:46

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